Since February, which was a long long time ago, I hiked a mountain with my mother and husband,
gave a recital for my Master's degree,
organized and taught a print workshop here in Basel,
spent some quality time in a hammock,
bought some incredibly beautiful furniture at a thrift store (brockenstube) which looks something like this, but is getting new upholstery at the moment:and speaking of new upholstery, my mom and I spent an evening taking the old foam away from the springs, picking out dozens and dozens of staples, and scrubbing the edges with a toothbrush:
and finally, long ago now, I watched the trees bloom. We even brought some inside.
I'm happy to say that I have one exam left, tomorrow, and if my fingers behave properly (it's a harpsichord exam) I'll be finished with all the requirements for my Master's degree. I'm not sure if that makes me a 'master' or not but at least it means I'll be done with school.
Then I'll have time to do important things, like swimming in the river.
I can't wait.