Sunday, June 24, 2012

counting down

Today is Sunday. A week from Monday, I'm boarding a train with a suitcase and the bass and doing my best royal wave out the window at the generous, quirky, charming town of Basel. Last night an Irish friend asked if I'm looking forward to 'upping ship' and the emotions are mixed, of course. After six months of being apart, I'll finally be living with my husband, in a cool town with fantastic local beer and a variety of work options. But the ship leaves from a really great place to live, peopled by friends. Anyway. My goal for today is to fill some boxes with some stuff, tape them up, make up some kind of clever organizational tool, and put everything in the attic until we can move it up to Copenhagen. Then go practice the harpsichord and play a concert with 220 high school choristers. (I'm right in front of the sopranos. My goodness they are loud.)

Since February, which was a long long time ago, I hiked a mountain with my mother and husband,
gave a recital for my Master's degree,
organized and taught a print workshop here in Basel,
spent some quality time in a hammock,
bought some incredibly beautiful furniture at a thrift store (brockenstube) which looks something like this, but is getting new upholstery at the moment:
and speaking of new upholstery, my mom and I spent an evening taking the old foam away from the springs, picking out dozens and dozens of staples, and scrubbing the edges with a toothbrush:
 and finally, long ago now, I watched the trees bloom. We even brought some inside.

I'm happy to say that I have one exam left, tomorrow, and if my fingers behave properly (it's a harpsichord exam) I'll be finished with all the requirements for my Master's degree. I'm not sure if that makes me a 'master' or not but at least it means I'll be done with school.

Then I'll have time to do important things, like swimming in the river.
I can't wait.

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