Tuesday, March 29, 2011

a quiet day

Yesterday it rained, really a lot, but only briefly. It started when I left school and walked to the tram, and ended after my nine minute wait, once I had boarded the tram. I was wearing my wool jacket and smelled like a wet dog. The guy next to me on the tram was blinded by his completely fogged-up glasses. People stood around me in a wide range of wet-rat poses; the tram was full, and kind of stinky. As I walked home, the sun was out, though it was still sprinkling lightly, and as I felt a chill against the back of my neck, I thought about how it wasn't until recently that I considered going out in the rain to be a precursor to illness. It had been more of an exciting pleasure to get soaked by the weather, then come inside and dry off. Then, recently, someone admonished me for allowing myself to get wet, and ever since I've gotten sick after a good drenching. Damn my suggestive mind. True to form, I had a sore throat by bedtime (despite the bath and tall pot of vegetable soup I made), and it was still there when I woke up this morning. So I canceled everything and stayed at home, drinking tea, lots of tea, and this gross mix of store-bought carrot and apple juices. Also I did laundry. And I lay in the sun for about an hour -- the skies were clear all day. I took some pictures of the planter boxes my downstairs neighbors are cleaning out. The real evidence of my quiet day, though, was this little net I crocheted for an avocado pit, since we don't have any toothpicks.
The alternate title for this post could be, "I am a dork." Here are a few of the mossy planter shots I took, too:
view from above
peering in
perfect little plants
Staying home and having an excuse to avoid responsibility is nice. I also took some pictures of a piece of furniture I bought this weekend. I've been looking for something for a long time, I thought it was a bookshelf that I was looking for, but I was wrong. It was a mini-wardrobe! Ein kleiner Schrank. It came with old wallpaper covering both front doors, but that came off easily with water. I really like it. Here are a few views:
(I still need to use some furniture polish. Oh yeah, and I got that nice chair, too, at a different thrift store [aka Brockenstube, aka Brocki], it's got a little brand on the bottom: Made in Sweden.)
I feel quite pleased with the general blue-purple-pink feel of this arrangement
my other little favorite furniture piece got moved by the bed
and, finally, computer table, and evening light on the door.

Speaking of Made in Sweden, last night I found Lukas in the kitchen stirring his food with two spatulas and making little "borg de borg" sounds. MY ROOMMATE IS THE SWEDISH CHEF. He wasn't entirely pleased with the comparison.

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